
It's good that some people realise that they have gone through the path of jealousy. They turn and walk back and apologize. And if they do look back to where they've walked, it won't be a pretty sight. I may not be (actually am not) in the best position to actually address this, but we learn as we grow and we make the rules as we go.

C'mon la, a girl like me, at this age especially, has felt jealousy to the extreme. Bila lagi nak rasa jealous. Bila dah tua-tua, tiba-tiba nak rasa jealous sure rasa macam so childish and so not right. Right? Because of jealousy lah my life almost went haywire. You will fail to think straight and judge rightfully. Sure fail jadi judge kat court! Teeheehee. Especially kalau rasa jealous towards someone you don't even know of.

But feeling jealous of someone you know, tak kisah la whether you share the same straw or drink from the same well ke tak, sure lagi la embarrassing. Kesimpulannya that trait never benefits a person. Unless its the healthy kind of jealousy?

I'm just gonna try and tell this story straight. How true it is I can't really tell. But this is so that all of us can judge together and be it a lesson for us to open our eyes wider. Terpaksa la tulis dalam bahasa sendiri sebab kalau orang asing baca boleh buat bikin malu, walaupun sekarang ada google translate. Hehe!

I have a second family here in Glasgow and am a really grateful girl. Without them here I think I'd rather study (or suffer) in U*M. :) Tapi Glasgow ni pelik sikit. Tak tau la tempat lain pun ada wujud sebegini jugak. I'm speaking from my own judgement, not influence. Sifat dengki and jealous tu memang banyak betul. As you all know (or don't), I've been volunteering promoting our Malaysian colourful culture to the locals and it's a lot of fun! My parents have been sending me to outside school activities since young and I've been enjoying them so this really is a bonus considering I'm on my own here without my parents! Fuh. It started off small but now slowly even ministers know us! Great right! Click HERE for our latest event!

Anyway, terbabas pulak ceritanya. As if it's a rule of life, behind every success is not just a woman but also jealousy. Apa yang peliknya, seperti yang terdengar2 dari kawan kepada saksi, ada certain community M kat sini has been spreading news of anti-Uncle and anti-Aunty and anti-MYSSACK i.e. this family that I've been mentioning above. Actually before this I've heard of something like "Jauhkan diri from your seniors yang tak betul tu". Daku dan kawan-kawan daku la tu ya? Kenapa nak anti? Lagi ironic is this news was spread masa sesi ilmiah. Setahunya, walaupun takda la terer mana tapi pernah jugak banyak kali pergi and helped host this kind of pertemuan and for all I know never ever a name of a known person/colleague/whatever-you-call it is mentioned. Are we preaching some kind of another religion to actually be avoided? Plan nak tulis dalam bahasa sendiri pun tak boleh sebab tension sangat, hehe.

And so you left a bad impression on these "clean sheets" who doesn't know anything kononnya with a good nawaitu. Of? Of a bad religion example? If we are doing anything that's HARAM then why not be a good preacher and tegur elok-elok. Bukan amanah kepada negara and pemimpin ada dalam text book agama masa sekolah dulu jugak ke? That's an honest question, bukan nak imply apa-apa.

That's them to judge, you can't tell them what to do. Like I said in my FB, dear mahasiswa/i yang pandai2 belaka dapat belajar jauh2 and sambung belajar, I'm a Muslim and I'm not a terrorist, you are a Muslim too and you're not a terrorist too right? Lagi2 we're from the same country. So even when you bump into me you can say hi and shout my name from afar too if you like! Because actually right now you're not doing that just because I'm "not as good as you are"? Well, it never really gave me a MAJOR impact on me. Psh, as if I care kan. But it does happen to LOTS of people who DECIDED THEMSELVES to NOT JOIN YOUR WAY OF EDUCATING PEOPLE because they can judge themselves on what is WRONG AND RIGHT. Sebab you think your level of ilmu agama lebih tinggi you "looked down" and mengaibkan other people who are not in your same page. And even make a "discussion" out of it together with your friends tu. What does that make you? What. Does. That. Make. You.

Now I see that jealousy does make you ugly. It does. After seeing all this I realise nothing good EVER comes out of jealousy. It only reflects your immature level of thinking (bahasa kampung: cetek betul pemikiran kamu! Tengah imagine dalam drama, mak mentua cakap macam tu kat the lead actress, huahuahua) and your weaknesses. The public will see you in two different angles. You're either supported as they're blinded the same way you are, or you're pitied, by how low your knowledge seemed to be despite how high you put your noses up and of your inferiorities.

This is also a lesson for me and us all. Jangan buat macam ni nanti Allah balas balik.

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3 paints:

shakinakush said...

If only I can make this into a newsletter! haha.
Pressing the "Like" button!

Izati said...

haha kut ye pun tak pyh la sampai jadi newsletter. :))

lady pot pet said...


yeahhh..sungguh cetek pemikiran dorang..hihihi, we are like so famous they dislike us sooooooo much thatt they have to just mention our names in their sessi sweat..we are becoming stronger by the day. Aduhs...Imi tak takut ker kena jauh kan diri from us...!so silly would I turn you into a monster? or anything that your parents wouldn't want you to turn into kan? mengong tul dorang tu...wher do they put their brains...

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