Handle it well

After almost two years here, I realise MORE of people who don't understand Islam. Of course they don't so when they are curious they will ask. This is where you, as a muslim should educate and prove that Islam is the easiest, most logical, practical and the ONLY religion to believe in. To avoid offensives, you can't just say it straight to them, right. 

Kind of like asking a patient on what you know and what you believe in a drug. You can't be asking "What is it that you know about this drug and do you believe it?" Wouldn't that take a lot of time for patients who don't really think about what they put in their mouth? It's all about the approach.

Back to my story, they may be kafir(s) but as muslims, we have to handle things the right way, in a kind way to reflect the peacefulness of Islam. That part is where I realise I'm not good at. I become really offended at heart. Although I know I should put a good face on. 

"I think Islam is really complicating."

You can't really blame a person to say that, as he/she may not be educated since young on how Islam is life. So how should you react to a statement like that? I could only manage to say it's not complicating and of all the reasons why certain things are made haram. 

"Why do you even bother fasting?? It makes you suffer, it's medically unacceptable!"

Now how would you react? Calmly I said it's not medically unacceptable. (Especially for a class that learns Physiology and stuff, how is it that it is unacceptable?) Some of the reasons on why we have a fasting month, Ramadhan, is so that our digestive systems can rest after one whole year of working in giving us energy. There are LOADS of other benefits to it, but it's definitely not unacceptable medically. 

But no one there knew how boiling I was at heart. I don't even know why. It's probably because I don't go through these questions a lot, obviously. 

Which is why I HAVE to handle it well from now on. 
I can't get mad or upset. 

In Uni, there will be a new student union election and all. So the Uni is now full of banners and posters and posts of the candidates etc. There was one guy competing for Vice President if I'm not mistaken, wrote a BIG notice that covers the whole first floor of the building, 
"Vote for me,  Vote for Strath,  Not for Gaza"

What is the relationship of your votes and Gaza?? You sure can be a manipulative politician in the future. (That's NOT a compliment.) I just hope you won't get the VPOC post then. 

Even students walking by the notice stopped by, exchanged looks, cringed, and left with faces full of disturbance. Seeing that alone feels appreciative. Don't you think?

Note: There were some misunderstanding. I was referring to how I felt inside and how I was hiding it (even as hard as it was) as the question was asked, and as I answered the questions. It's not a matter of how I would answer it, because insyaAllah, I can answer them, walaupun ilmu tak seberapa. Thank you.

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3 paints:

Chuck Bass said...

i do think so imi, n ull be seeing the light of truth not so far away from you..jz find it n when ull find one..there wont be anybody whos capable of taking it from u other than Him..

Anna said...

Re fasting: I do not think it is as medically unacceptable as you think. I can't give you any points for rebuttal or statistics off the bat, but I am fairly certain that Google can greatly help you should you want/need these.

Also, I understand how we can get offended when non-Muslims make, what may appear to be, unkind remarks regarding Islam. Just take it with a pinch of salt; bear in mind that a lot of the time, these remarks are made by people who know very little about Islam and therefore born out of emotions, preconceptions and personal misconceptions. Smile and convince them otherwise with convincing arguments. However, remember that at the end of the day, "for them their religion, and for us ours" (not the best translation, but there we go).

njahmat said...

Actually, I think some non-muslims know more than I do about Islam. I think being born Muslims, we take things for granted. The more lucky ones go to the evening Sekolah agama, we learn Tauhid, Feqah, learn a tiny bit of Arabic and read the Quran.

But I, for one, don't think I have a deep understanding of our beautiful religion. I read Marina Mahathir's blog the other day, and there was an old post about dogs and Muslim/Malays in Malaysia, and a man commented that he may know more about Islam than some Muslims. And I agree. Some non muslims take time to read the Quran translation, go for lectures, but tell me, do we really like going to ceramahs and whatnot? I for one didn't.

And the big difference about Muslims born here in the US, they really seek out to understand the religion more and read hadith and all that. Whereas kita di Malaysia just lepas tangan because it's a wholly muslim country that makes things convenient for us (like halal food, restrictions on dogs at public places, pig skin lining, etc). There is so much more for me to learn. InsyaAllah.

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