My laptop has been misbehaving lately. If at another time, I could really tolerate with it. But not now, when all this stress is going on.
I don't know why but this noise just makes me a crazy person! I feel like I should be diagnosed with something! (damn these CNS lectures)
Maybe sebab habuk or ada something longgar ke apa ke, I don't knowwww.
You have no idea how sakit my right hand is right now for pukul-ing the poor laptop, with all my might I have to say. I even took my water bottle and hit the laptop numerous times. I carefully but surely toss it onto my bed or at worse times, onto the table. When I'm at loss I even hold my hands up to my ears and just cry.
The noise is just like the finishing touch, the cherry on top of my scoops and scoops of stress. And because of it, I fall over. I cry before I go to sleep. I abuse my own laptop. Because of a small thing. My goodness, I AM crazy. Aagh.
While all this is happening, while I was sobbing myself to sleep, there was even this particular thought in my head.
"If I were to be this impatient over a noisy laptop, and I smash it all over the place, I don't know how I'd handle my own kids." (If I'm lucky to get my own, of course).
Seriously, I just can't handle it!
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