Summer calendar, already.

Previously stated, I will be doing my summer internship at Taunton, Somerset for two whole months. 

Good news is that I have a friend who has worked in a hospital there before and she said the place is absolutely safe, the weather is absolutely different than Scotland (definitely better!) and the people are absolutely nice. ABSOLUTELY!

Ok so the job starts on the June 14th next year and will probably end mid August. And then YAHOOOO I can go back home and enjoy the rest of my hopefully nice summer. Until the end of September, I'll be able to celebrate raya, spend time with family, friends and him. 

But like how I've always mentioned, jangan berangan, nanti sure tak jadi.....

So here's the downfall.

After I graduate, I'll have to pass a one year pre-registration training so that I can practice as a registered pharmacist (considering I pass the registration exam as well). That's the plan, aside from working for 5 years with UEM. It'll be easier if I get my practice license here right. 

That was just a plan. I never thought it through, never seen or studied through any documents I have to have etc. Turns out the dateline for pre-reg. course in Scotland would be June. Yes, June next year after I finish 3rd year.

After I apply, I go for my intern and get good impression (I have to get them from hospitals during the next semester as well) and after I finish I have to wait till September for the interview. 

INTERVIEW OF MY PRE-REG.! SEPTEMBER! 8th, 9th, or 10th. Fixed dates. No changing. OHMYGDRAGON.

Even if I get the earliest interview on the 8th, I'll jump on the next flight the following day (and I get to spend my birthday in the airway. How exciting.). Raya would be a few days after and I have till the final weekend of September to get my ass back into The Gloomy Glasgow. That's like what, 3 weeks only??? Sigh..

Haven't told my parents bout this yet. Yes I've told them I'll be in Taunton, but the interview part.. Not yet. I've told me love about it and I don't seem to have any feedback yet. Hmmmm.... I'm scared?

Just this gets me stressed. I get stressed so easily these days, I need to get a hold of myself! I'm actually worried about a handful of things that is just too personal, I can't share them here and I haven't told anyone yet. Not a single soul! Not until I get them sorted and figured out first or if not people would think I'm a psycho or something. 

I pray I'll stay well along this journey of mine and that the choices I make will be the best and will be understood and accepted by others. AMIN.

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1 paints:

Anonymous said...

Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.

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