Rain is Hujan is Bi

It was snowing all day yesterday. Thank God I stayed indoors. To add to it, the wind was horrible. They said everything was horrible.

But today was even horrible! To me, at least. It hasn't rained this much, although this IS the typical winter in Glasgow, rain rain rain rain. This winter tak hujan as much as the previous two years, as far as I can remember. Other Malaysian classmates were complaining on how dry and cold it is, but everyone else has been grateful since there hasn't been much rain!! Owh, but not today.

Had to dig my bag for my umbrella, dah lama tak guna. Little did I remember that the umbrella sudah cacat. But have to make do, it's still usable. Prepped myself, pakai long sleeve hoodie, pakai topi, put my hood on, wrapped myself with my scarf, pakai jacket and let's go!

So I was walking with my umbrella up to my department, with a few casualties here and there with it. Especially with the not-know-where-it's-coming-from wind. I had walk carefully, not too near the road as fast cars could not care less for pedestrians, just bashed through the puddle. Tak sayang kereta ke?! Hish.

I almost arrived, just two more minutes. I was already at the construction site of our new department building. There was a shaded pathway next to it for pedestrians' use. As I entered I closed my umbrella, what's the point of having it up anyways. A few seconds after that, SPLASSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!! Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Drenched! Drenched with puddle of dirty smelly brown water! All over my hat, my face, my coat, my pants. AAAGGGGHHHHH!

What could be worse I didn't realize there was a lecture this morning for our hospital placements this April. Went to class as usual. Today classes jauh-jauh pulak tu. Great, on a rainy day. Had a lab session in the evening. Went in for 10 minutes, did the stuff, had to go out and wait for an hour and a half, went back in for 10 minutes, and that was us done. HOW FUN! Decided to go to the library after for some reading. When I saw out the window it wasn't raining as heavily, I decided to leave and go back home before the rain starts to fall again. No actually I lied. Terasa nak shopping because its Thursday night, kedai tutup lambat.

Tapi suddenly takda mood, so balik rumah je lah after beli a new beanie. :)))) It was on sale, £3 je. Jalan jalan jalan jalan jalan. SPLASH!! STUPID BASTARD! SAJA JE KAN?! JALAN BUKAN MAIN LUAS LAGI, NAK JUGAK ROSAKKAN KERETA DRIVE LAJU-LAJU KAT PUDDLE. KALAU SKIDDED MACAM MANA?! BUDUS.

Changed to dry clothes as soon as I arrived home, and decided to cook chicken soup. Sigh, on a cold rainy day, feels nice to eat chicken soup. And on a stressful day, feels even nicer to eat ice cream! Somehow feel so tired, feels like it's Friday today. It's not, so wake up! Tomorrow lagi fun okay, pagi sampai ke petang, siap ada lab lagi. Yes, lagiiii.

munch munch munch munch. At this rate, I don't know how much longer I have to wait for a warmer Glasgow. BIG SIGH.

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