Mata Exam Ikan

It's Saturday dah. :(( Which means tomorrow is Sunday. Which means the next day is Monday. Which means I'm gonna have my first paper at exactly 2.00PM!!! Yo yo 2pm! Haha so out of the picture. Anyway, yea. I'm scared out of my wits for my finals. Have no idea why. Maybe its because I need to do REALLY well to pass to 4th year. OMG 3rd year is such an anjing.

I can't believe I've successfully make trips to the library every single morning sampai ke petang. Smug. And this time tactic bertukar as I won't be rushing to get a table that I like. Instead, I'll get a computer. Haha tak ramai sangat orang guna computer pagi buta so I get to choose where and which computer to use. Smart kan? HAHAHAHA.

Okay dah. Side note: Charger laptop MASIH belum sampai.

I think I've been a bit aggressive on my eyes lately. Asyik duduk depan computer je or malam2 trying to surf the net through my small iPod touch ni or my phone. It is small la kan compared to a laptop. And so my mata now dah bengkak and red and I think something is coming out. Hehe sounds icky I know. But yea, need to get myself eye drops. I'm a good example of low patient compliance sebab if I buy the full bottle eye drop tu I'll use it once or twice and won't use it until 3 months after! Mana boleh! 'Please discard after 28 days'!! Kena cari yang one time use tu je. Owh and I've stopped wearing my contact lenses walaupun dia tulis situ 'Contains hydrogen silicone, making it a breatheable contact lens!' Whatever.

Mungkin sebelum ni I've been a bit kuno or just couldn't care. But last few months I was browsing through android punya apps ni and I've been reading reviews on what provider gives a cheap international text and almost everyone says fishtext is good. So I've been using it and I SAVED TONES! Message Msia 2 pence je. T.T Apsal tahun2 sebelum ni tak pernah tau pun. Orang duk sibuk suruh guna skype and everything. Kalau takda cukup texts in your tariffs, message UK number pun 2 pence je! I think. I don't know, just check sendiri lah. Google je. :)

Ok need to stop rambling and start with my studying. :) :( GOOD MORNING!! Nice nice sunny day.

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